Contact: Sierra Wallace
Public Engagement Manager
OPCD Releases 2021 Inaugural Annual Report
NEW ORLEANS (August 4, 2022) – The Orleans Parish Communication District (OPCD) is proud to announce the release of the agency’s 2021 annual report.
The 2021 annual report provides a comprehensive look at the heroic and critical work the team does every day. As our city continues to move through a global pandemic, the events of Hurricane Ida and the rebound of our local economy had made for a very busy year for OPCD.
The current OPCD Annual Report, which can be viewed here, provides the public with information on the following topics and departments:
OPCD History
OPCD Mission
Organization Structure
Board of Commissioners
Diversity & Demographics
Operational Achievements
Organization Budgets
Individual Staff Achievements
Technological Advancements
Public Engagement Achievements
NOLA-311 Efforts
Hurricane Ida Spotlight
“Here at OPCD we have been eager to provide the City of New Orleans with our second annual report,” said OPCD Executive Director Tyrell Morris.” With this project being the successor to our inaugural annual report, it was important for us to highlight our continued success as an agency. While we are here to serve and protect the millions of residents and visitors within the City of New Orleans, with major events occurring throughout the year of 2021, the creation of the annual report has served as an opportunity for reflection and a reminder of our overall mission for the agency. That mission as always; Get the Right People to the Right Place at the Right Time Better than Anyone Else in the World.”
“I want to take a moment to publicly acknowledge and thank Domonique Curry, OPCD Chief of Staff and the Public Engagement team for the creation of this document and maintaining a documental legacy that we can be proud of,” continued Director Morris.
OPCD has also dedicated a portion of the annual report toward recognizing fallen Hero Under the Headset, Operations Supervisor William “Bill” Baradell, who passed away due to COVD-19 in 2021.
About Orleans Parish Communications District (
Formed in 1982, the Orleans Parish Communication District is the public safety answering point (PSAP) for all emergency communications via 9-1-1 within Orleans Parish. The agency employs over 180 individuals and provides emergency medical dispatch, emergency fire dispatch, and emergency police dispatch for the millions of annual visitors and residents of the City of New Orleans. OPCD is a member of the Association of Public Safety Communication Officials (APCO) and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA).